A Positive Mental Attitude Helps Us Along Our Recovery, But How Can We Help Ourselves When We Are Unable To Think Positively At All?

Alongside the correct treatment and many other self-help techniques having a positive mental attitude has helped along my recovery. However I understand all to well that sometimes when we are feeling unwell we can feel as if this is impossible to do. When I used to hear others go on and on about how people who live with a mental health disorder need to be more positive, and I was unable to think positively at all, it used to make me feel as if I were a weak person which used to trigger me further. I knew I had to start thinking positively to step in to recovery but was unable to do so. I became trapped. I wrote the following when I was unable to have a positive mental attitude, I also have written below how I learnt to break free, which led to my recovery.

"The guilt and tears set in this morning and everything looked pointless. The birds were singing their usual songs, but their tunes were not the same. The sun was warm on my skin, but all I noticed were the dark clouds in the sky. So I try and look on the bright side. You know, like the others out there, the people who like to call themselves "normal" say we need to do. So I try and focus on something positive, but that's just it, my mind seems to be functioning so slow through tiredness, I can't concentrate on anything positive at all, but yet my heart is still filled with sadness". I become frustrated then my emotions become extreme, I start to feel excessive guilt and lack of self worth, I become trapped and do not know how to break free.

Over a period of time I have learnt not to force myself to think positively when I am unable to be positively at all. Instead I remind myself of this: "I am not very well at the moment, what I am feeling now is very real, however I am only thinking and feeling this way because I am not well. My mind is playing tricks on me which is making me feel as if there is no hope" At times I have struggled to believe this also, my emotions can be so strong and I can get lost in my mood. In these times I remind myself of all the things I have achieved, rather than the things I think I haven't. I try and think back to the good times, I may not be able to remember what it feels like but it does make me realise that there were good times, what I am feeling right now is just a phase and it will pass.

It really helps to write your feelings, thoughts and emotions down, not just when we are unwell, but when stable too. Writing has helped me to remember the good times when I am lost in my mood. By doing this it helps us to remind ourselves of the happy times when reading it back.

Once we have remembered some of the good times, and what life is like when stable, it is easier to let go excessive feelings of lack of self worth and fear. I do not allow myself to feel excessive guilt, I tell myself this. "It is NOT my fault that I have a mental illness.  I am not weak or pathetic. I have NOT chosen to live this way, mental illness has chosen me, I did NOT choose it. BUT I do have the choice how I feel about myself, I will not consume myself with self hate, excessive guilt, lack of self worth and fear, I will not punish myself for having mental illness". We must remind ourselves that we will feel happiness and be able to think positively again. How we feel right now will pass and life will get better. It is our state of mind that is making us think and feel this way, and there really is HOPE.


  1. Hey! Thanks for the post. Mental health disorder like depression really ruin your life completely. I know this because I gonna through this horrible state of mind. To overcome the depression I searched for the best Psychotherapist In Hammersmith. Finally, I get rid of it. Hey! you have shared really a great post.

  2. Hi Mathew thank you for the feed back. Glad you are feeling well that's great news. I wish you all the best.


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