Caught In The Fog

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Sitting here staring at the crisp white piece of paper as I try to summon my thoughts. My concentration is whacked, I am so easily distracted, I have a short attention span and I forget what I want to say next, my thoughts are not flowing as they used to and I am struggling to put a sentence together. I used to write with ease, ideas came flowing so fast that my pen used to glide over the page capturing every detail so quickly I thought my pen would take off, I couldn't write fast enough. Now? well lets just say my pen now judders and stops as my mind freezes and thoughts come to a halt. To be honest I haven't been able to write for a long time. Yes I have started this new blog but I am only updating it with stories and articles I have written over the years. This is the first new one in quite some time. I thought my writing days were over and stopped writing for a little while. However it's not in my nature to give in and I will not let this symptom of mental illness and side effect of my medication win. I will write even if it takes me much longer than it used to, even if I have to re-write what I have written 50 times over as it doesn't make much sense or write in small doses. I will crawl in this fog so I am able to finish writing this post, type it up on the blog and hit the publish button even if it is a small piece.

So it's all very well for me to open up about my experiences with brain fog but it may not make sense to you at all, so I will answer some questions you may be asking yourself.

What is brain fog?
Brain fog is not a medically recognised term, but is a commonly used phrase that sums up feelings of confusion, forgetfulness, and a lack of focus and mental clarity.

What are the symptoms of brain fog?
Short-term memory problems
Inability to concentrate 
A very short attention span 
Difficulty thinking clearly
Slow thinking

What can we do to help ease brain fog?
Get enough sleep
Check diet: Decrease sugar Intake although eat enough healthy carbohydrates. Get Enough Protein and Healthy Fats

Is brain fog common?
It is common for people who live with mental illness to struggle with brain fog although its not normal. People who do not have a mental health illness can also experience brain fog. 

Ok I think I have covered everything, so that only means one thing......I have written my first new post in a very long time, Yay!! It's only a short piece, I have re-written it many times, written in small doses and I am sure once I type this up I shall re-write some more. So for now I shall give myself a pat on the back and remember that there is hope. 

Please note, if you are troubled by brain fog professional advice should be sought.


  1. Thank you for writing this post, you have put into words how I feel a lot of the time. Thank you again.


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