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Are you interested in everything mental health? Or do you live with or know someone who lives with mental health illness? If so please pull up a seat, get nice and comfortable and join me on Cassie Talks - Mental Health.

Whether you have stumbled here by accident or have intended to drop by I would like to thank you for your time. My name is Cassie and I am a mental health blogger and advocate from the UK. I have lived experience of mental illness with a diagnoses of Bipolar Disorder, Emotional Unstable Personality Disorder and Anxiety.

I am so passionate about raising awareness of mental health and mental illness and do so by blogging in hope it will help those who maybe struggling right now to realise they are not alone, to encourage people to speak out and reach out and to stand up and be counted whilst raising awareness to help end the stigma which so many of us experience the devastating effects of. 

I am a firm believer that society needs to shine the light more on mental health and mental health illness as lets face it 1 in 1 have mental health. That's right, we all have mental health which we need to look after. Our level of mental health can vary over the years and with the ups and down's of life. Sometimes like our physical health it can become unwell. Poor mental health can effect anyone. Did you know that 1 in 4 people in the UK experience mental illness at some point in their lives? The World health Organisation (WHO) reports: 10% of children have a mental health issue at any one time and approximately 450 million people currently suffer from mental health illness. Stigma, discrimination and neglect prevent care and treatment from reaching people with mental illness. Nearly two-thirds of people with a known mental health illness never seek help from a health professional. This is why it's vital we share the message that it's ok not to be ok and it's ok to talk about it and reach out. 

To find out more about everything mental health, stigma and discrimination, mental health wellness and illness, recovery, self help ideas, plus my experiences join me on my journey here on Cassie Talks - Mental Health.

 Ready? Come and Check out my blog.


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